We may have a solution to a challenge you didn’t know you had.

Two of the largest investments an air cargo handler has are real estate and labor costs. Maxson Aviation Solutions & Service can assist you with reducing labor costs and maximizing the capacity of your facility through situational analysis and our diverse product line.

Case Study: Bup Handling

BUP units (shipper loads) are designed to be built up and/or unloaded directly by the customer. The units are tendered to the carrier intact and in turn the shipper enjoys a lower freight rate due to the minimal handling requirement. The handling company charges the carrier a flat rate for handling these units, also because of the reduced amount of handling. However, if your operational processes are not in place to minimize the amount of handling of these units then it defeats the purpose that the BUP tender and reduced rate was designed to achieve.

Maxson Aviation designs, manufactures and installs integrated handling systems that are engineered to provide you with the ability to handle BUP units safely and in an expeditious manner so as to reduce your handling and therefore lower your labor costs. These systems consist of many components such as scissor lifts, elevated work stations, built in scales, ball mat systems, caster deck systems, powered roller systems and vertical storage.

We can custom design a system that integrates with your operational footprint and deliver to you a solution that will quickly provide you a return on your investment by increasing production and lowering the cost of your most expensive resource, your workforce.

Scissor lift / powered roller system with built in scale